Mobile EP recording system with built-in stimulator
Excellent signal quality
The EP-TRACER 2* has exceptional signal quality due to having one of the best preamplifiers on the market. The usability concept and easy handling of the integrated stimulator ensure efficient and fast work.
Smallest amplifier of its kind
With the special amplifying technology the desired signal does not disappear into the background noise, even with the high amplitude intracardiac signals.
As the smallest amplifier of its kind, the EP-TRACER 2 has two integrated intracardiac channels for stimulation without using external wiring.
EP-TRACER 2 system features
- Excellent signal quality
- High-quality stimulator is controlled by using the same
keyboard and mouse - System can be equipped with all three EP-TRACER 2 models
- Low maintenance
- Operates using standard hardware
- Fast and easy installation
Specially ProCart:
- This Cart is mobile due to its compact size
- Upright working position
EP-TRACER 2 device characteristics
- 12 surface ECG channels
- 20,52 or 84 bipolar intra-cardiac channels
- 6 auxiliary channels e.g invasive blood pressure
- Built-in stimulator with 2 Outputs
* EP-TRACER with software version 2
The trade mark EP-TRACER is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.